Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Peace, Tranquility, and Happiness...

these are my life's ultimate goals.
evil forces
from here and beyond
are determined to thwart these goals.
but my powers of Stillness are greater than your powers of Chaos
for it takes much greater strength to maintain Peace than it does to rage War...
you barely know what you see.
you don't understand what it takes to be Me...
no one truly understands because no one has enough information to fully understand me...
I'm always waxing and waning...
like the surface of a star...
people cannot take in all of me
so they focus on one aspect
and build an entire view of me from just that
those who love me see more than one
those who loathe me generally focus on my negatives and downplay my positives.
some do it for personal gain
some have been in denial of past associations for so long that i wonder if they even remember the truth anymore...
but it's okay.
for light defeats darkness
and as i try to purge the darkness from my life, my strength grows.
and while others feel weak without the presence of others, i draw my strength from within.
i have no need for an entourage.
those who follow me are those who are strong enough on their own to recognize another leader.
gangs are for the weak and the weak-minded
people who need others for direction and lack focus.
leaves being blown around by the wind
logs being carried by someone else's current
even if it means smashing into rocks or cascading to their death over a waterfall...
i control me.
i control my world.
i control my destiny.
no one has power over me.
which is why even as i express anger my spirit is still...
and i smile in the face of adversity.
I smile in the face of my enemies
those who seek to harm me...
embarrass me...
sway others against me
you underestimate me.
you always have...
and you underestimate those who have chosen to be with me...
you underestimate their intelligence
their deductive reasoning...
the cracks in your stories have been exposed.
your lies have been uncovered.
and we all lay waiting
until the correct moment...
to expose YOU.
i am not looking forward to this day
as i have nothing to gain from you falling and failing
but it is inevitable
for when you continually cast the black magic of evil...
false allegiances...
karma's repercussions are always around the corner...
and they are NEVER pretty...

these are my life's ultimate goals.
evil forces
from here and beyond
are determined to thwart these goals.
but my powers of Stillness are greater than your powers of Chaos
for it takes much greater strength to maintain Peace than it does to rage War...

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