Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In my pursuit of Truth

In my pursuit of Truth

I find myself in a constant state of purging

Toxins that have been deeply embedded

In my bowels

In my kidneys





And most of all my Mind

And since it's universally understood that the Soul is our own personal piece of the Divine.

Perfect and devoid of corruption…

The urgency of doing my best to get the rest of me to match is great

For all toxins are not physical

And because of this, this type is the most deadly

For to find Truth you must actively seek and destroy Lies

Not to be confused with Darkness, as Darkness is no more evil than Light is good.

Ancient metaphors being misunderstood and taken too literally

For evil people bask in the sunlight and good people sleep in the dark with no harm inflicted upon either

To find Truth you must destroy Lies.

Lies that long hair, especially "ethnic" styles are immature, ugly, crude, or represent a lack of intelligence

That having and expressing your imagination is childish

Among other things…

Almost all traditions are Lies

Glorified mind-control to keep people compliant, inhibited, and mentally stunted in growth.

Human beings are not meant to live like this!

The world is falling apart because the Truth, shackled, hidden, misconstrued, ignored, and buried, is rising up!

For Truth is ever-flowing like water.

Truth is unstoppable…

It's resurrection: inevitable

And yet and still the proprietors of Lies are working overtime to try and stop its spread.

To find Truth, you must destroy Lies!

Evil from all over the world, ancient and modern, seen and unseen, has been RECRUITED by the "powers that be" for the sole purpose of making a last stand, in a war that the disillusioned among them think they can win, and the enlightened among them know they are destined to lose.

To find Truth, you must destroy Lies!

Do not allow this propaganda to continue!

Rise up out of your trite and meaningless existence!

Do something with your lives!

Do not let mass media dictate your humanity to you!

Break the chains from your brain and emancipate yourself from your mental slavery!

The people of intelligence have to stop this madness!

We must restore order! We must not only revolt, but, more importantly, we must understand what we're fighting for.

The "Man" who is holding you back is YOU.

Stop settling for ghetto, the cheap, the run-down, and the sub-standard!

Educate yourself, provide for yourself, and stop waiting for handouts!

The term is Survival of the Fittest, emphasis on Survival

Thos who refuse to get smart and get fit in the wild get EATEN or KILLED or STARVE. You, my friend, are no exception!

The world doesn't owe you anything, so if your situation is dismal, do all you can to make amends or live in your hovel in silence…

Lies have made us complacent and weak, while the strong and intelligent among us are looked at exorcised, scrutinized, and ostracized!

They are accused of cheating because the concept of studying hard and working towards a goal, thereby achieving it, has become foreign.

The strong and athletically gifted are automatically accused of steroid use.

Never mind their hours of exercise and dedication to training and practice.

To find Truth, you must destroy Lies!

Prejudices to blind you from the bigger picture.

Keeping the masses fighting over stupid things like colors and street corners and city blocks that we don't own!

Intangible bullshit.

Confined like children to sandboxes placed in the crappiest corners of a world owned by less than 1% of it's inhabitants…

Release yourself from fear!

The Truth will set you free!

So let it.

And allow the healing to finally begin…

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