Friday, April 9, 2010

Midnight Storm...

Sweet agony...
That scent in the air...
Teasing my senses...
And burning my loins...
The wind blows
As I blissfully lose my mind...
One drop at a time...
As the water begins to fall...
The clouds open up...
Metaphorically representing what I want you to do for me...
Lightning flash and thunder rolls...
Intertwining of souls
As we pass Saturn
Turns and twists
Our bodies rythmic
And in tune...
Windows mimicking the sheets...
Steamy and dripping wetness...
Living a dream...
Waves breaking against your white sands...
Minds traveling to distant lands...
Seas start getting violent...
But I'm not the captain of a tiny ship...
Built for the rough ride...
As I slip and slide through the foam...
High tide in warm seas...
Exploring your Bermuda Triangle
Navigating your stargate as easily as I open my front door...
Space and time dance playfully for us
With each grab and thrust
Visions of lust...
Japanese musk...
From dawn until dusk
And dawn again...
High noon your rain finally slows down...
Drip by drip...
Drop by drop...
We finally stop...
And sit in the warm glowing dew that remains...
From your center to the window pane...

1 comment:

  1. Damn Andre..... Take me now... Aahhhh so f#%king good. Melinda aka Cleopatra is pleased & satisfied.


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